Biasa dipanggil Okky. Saya seorang Engineer yang juga suka mengulik web designing dan development.
Bermula dari blogging, sampai akhirnya memiliki bisnis kecil sendiri dan memutuskan untuk mendevelop sendiri web untuk bisnis tersebut. Turns out it's really interesting! Dan ternyata masih banyak bisnis-bisnis kecil di luar sana yang belum memiliki website dan mungkin belum menyadari seberapa powerful dunia digital dan apa yang bisa kita berikan hanya dengan 1 klik pada customer. So, let me help you!
Give me concept and I will provide you with creative solutions to fulfill your personal and business purposes.
Mau bikin website e-commerce sendiri? Mau punya katalog sendiri? Yes, you can!
Di era social media, tentunya penting banget yah marketing di social media. We'll compile all your social media account in your website!
Tell me the budget and I will provide you with solutions that match with your budget.
I help optimize your site for search engines and driving more traffics.
Strategize, measure, create, and implement.
Web Design Deliverables Website Website Builders & CMS Platforms Wix Business Size Experience Very Small (1-9 employees) Project descrip...
"Okky bekerja dengan cepat dan bisa menyesuaikan budget kita. Very professional."Frieska, CEO of Ponda Baby Rent
"Working with Okky is a pleasure all along."Lisa Jones, Freelance Web Developer
"She was enthusiastic from the beginning. By working precise and using her analytical skills Okky contributes to the project right away."Andre Verhoek, AI Enthusiast